How to save your Excel document kidnapped by “Strange date”?


Have you ever encountered such a strange thing? The data in an Excel document is stored in a digital format, but when reopened, it is found that all the data has become a strange date format. And even if the correction is saved, it is still a strange date when open it again.

Add: The document is typically stored in a multinational format for multinational corporations.

Come on, let’s help you save this document!

Step 1: Open cell formatting anywhere in the document.

Step 2: Enter the Custom option to find a format that begins with the wildcard character “[$-f800]” (or [$-f400]).

Step 3: Press DELETE.

Look, is your document back to normal?

What exactly is a strange date format?

In fact [$-f800] and [$-f400] are placeholders that force changes in cell formatting, where [$-f800] corresponds to the date format, and [$-f400] corresponds to a time format. Like what: