Files Searched what you need

Every day we need many documents for work like  .pdf 、.doc、.jpg、 .ppt、 .xls、 etc. But where you could find them ? With Windows 7, you can configure the search indexer to not only index any file you want, but also to index the file contents.

If you know less about windows search please click this link  to review


Sometimes you are having problems with Windows search or something has become corrupted ( no matches found )


In general the Search index in Windows can cover the most common locations where your files would be stored, just as all libraries, everything in your user folder, and e-mail. If this is not enough, you can add or remove index locations easily.

To add a new location to the index, click on the Modify button.  You can check off any drive or folder that you would like to include in the index ,epsecially for  disk D & Microsoft Outlook.



You can rebuild the file index by clicking the Rebuild button.


Depending on how many files and folders are in your search locations, it would take some time  to index everything.  Please wait patiently



After a period of time, the index is working,  Let’s try to search something you need


Instead of search engeer inside windows system we also can use a third-party program to help us  like everthing     here visit the web