Effectively manage WeChat contacts

Everyone’s mobile phone almost has WeChat. We have a lot of contacts on our WeChat and managing the contacts through our mobile phone is inefficient. Now, WeChat 3.0 add a new function, named manage contacts, let us manage contacts through PC more efficient. We will take a look today.

First, we need to check the WeChat version in our PC. This function we are going to introduce today are only available in WeChat 3.0 or higher, so we need to upgrade to the latest version. The latest version is 3.1.

After the upgrade, the “Manage Contacts” button will appear in the “Contacts”. This button was not available prior to version 3.0. Clicking this button will enter the contacts Management interface.

The left side of the new interface is a categorization entry, and the right side of the interface is a detailed list. We can sort by alias or remarks and also search by keyword in the “search” above.

We can select multiple contacts and batch them. WeChat provides three batch process:
Batch Edit Permissions
Batch Add Tag
Batch Delete

Well, let us try it at once.